Ce's gadarn graig i ymguddio, Ce's feddyg i'm iachâu; Ce's hefyd Fugail ffyddlon, Ce's ffynnon i'm glanhau; Ce's wisg i guddio'm noethni, Ce's eli wrth fy nghlwy, Ce's Briod diwahaniad, Ni byddai amddifad mwy. Ce's ddwfr o'r graig i yfed, I dori'm syched mawr, Ce's beunydd fara i'w fwyta, O'r nef y daeth i lawr; Ce's delyn tu yma i angeu, Fy holl gystuddiau ffôdd, I ganu i'r Oen fu farw, Mae'n Briod wrth fy modd. Er bod y'ngrym y rhyfel, Y'nghanol mŵg a thân, Gelynion am fy nifa, Tu ôl ac o'r tu blaen; Er dyfned yw fy archoll, Ce's olew yn fy mriw, A thyna pa'm 'rwi'n canu, A thyna pa'm 'rwi'n fyw. Tra fyddwyf yn y rhyfel, Mi edrycha tu a'r nen, Er gwaned yw fy ngolwg, Mi wela pwy sydd pen: Y gwr fy dan yr hoelion, Sy'n gryf o blaid y gwan, A than ei gysgod tawel, Mi ddeua'n iach i'r lann. 'Rwy yma dan y tonnau, Yn griddfan lawer awr, Yn methu cadw ngolwg Ar y Messiah mawr: Ar fyr daw'r dydd cai nofio I fewn i'w dawel hedd, Ni chollai'r olwg arno, Yr ochr draw i'r bedd. O deffro di, fy nghalon, Myfyria angau loes; Pa dafod byth all adrodd Rhinweddau gwaed y groes? Oddi yno y llewyrchodd, Y wawr nefolaidd sydd Yn troi tywyllwch dudew, Yn oleu fel y dydd. Ni bydd y wledd ond dechreu, Pan ddelo angau ddydd; Fel 'r amlhao'r dyrfa, Caniadau fwy fwy fydd; Ond pan ddel cyrph y seintiau, Yn gryno i gyd o'r bedd, Rhyw ddechre heb ddiwedd bythol, Fydd y drag'wyddol wledd.1,3,4,5,6,7: Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1805 2: Hymnau a Salmau 1840 Tôn [7676D]: Aberystwyth (<1829) gwelir: Rhan II - 'Rwy yma dan y tonnau Ymado wnaf â'r babell |
I got a rock to hide myself, I got a physician to heal me; I got also a faithful Shepherd, I got a well to cleanse me; I got clothing to cover my nakedness, I got ointment on my wound, I got an inseparable Spouse, I shall no longer be orphaned. I got water from the rock to drink, To break my great thirst, I got daily bread to eat, From heaven it came down; I got a harp beyond death, All my afflictions fled, To sing to the Lamb who died He is a Spouse to my delight. Although being in the force of the war, Amidst smoke and fire, Enemies wanting to devour me, Behind and before; Despite how deep is my wound, I got oil in my bruise, And that is why I am singing, And that is why I am alive. While ever I am in the war, I will look towards the sky, Despite how weak is my sight, I shall see who is head: The man who was under the nails, Who is stong on the side of the weak, And under his quiet shadow, I shall come up whole. I am here under the waves, Groaning many an hour, Failing to keep my gaze On the great Messiah: Shortly the day shall come when I get to swim Into the temple of peace, I shall not lose the sight of him, On yonder side of the grave. O awake thou, my heart, Meditate on the throes of death; What tongue can ever report The merits of the blood of the cross? From there shone, The heaven dawn that is Turning pitch-black darkness, Into light like the day. The feast shall only be beginning, When the day of death comes; Thus the throng shall multiply, Songs shall be more and more; But when the bodies of the saints come, All trembling from the grave, Some beginning without ever any end, Shall be the eternal feast.tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion |